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5 Summer Ingredients That Keep You Cool and Refreshed

5 Summer Ingredients That Keep You Cool and Refreshed

In the quest to keep cool during the summer heatwaves, a little culinary creativity goes a long way! Here are five summer ingredients you can find at your local supermarket that are proven to help you beat the heat.

Chili peppers

Quintessential summer fare like southwestern and Mexican dishes can be pretty picante from chili spice, and that’s a good thing! The capsaicin in chili peppers will make you sweat - the body’s natural A/C system. The chicken fajitas and sweet chili sauce on Rootastes’ summer menu are on the mild side, but if you’re feeling brave, sprinkle on a little crushed red chili!


It’s used to reduce heat in foods around the world (think raita, that delicious Indian yogurt-and-cucumber condiment), but cucumber is such a powerfully refreshing ingredient that it’s used in all sorts of masks, lotions, and beauty products. Whip up this simple DIY body mist made with cucumber, rose water and aloe, and carry it with you wherever you go.


Watermelons contain 92% water and are ultra-hydrating, which helps to regulate body temperature- but did you know that strawberries have nearly the same water content at 91% Strawberries are also super versatile and recipe-friendly. Try some juicy strawberry salsa from this list of imaginative strawberry recipes.


The daikon in our “Queen B” roasted brussel sprout, butternut squash and daikon dish is not only cooling, it’s also anti-inflammatory and good for digestion, skin and weight management - just in time for swimsuit season.

Coconut oil

Coconut and beaches go together, and for good reason: coconut oil provides cooling and natural SPF to the skin when slathered on. Bonus: it can also be used as a natural deodorant.

Head to the grocery store and keep these ingredients handy for a cool and refreshing summer!

Meet Rootasters:

Stephanie Hersh writes, reads, and hits the road in search of novel culinary experiences. An avid Belgian beer fan, she dreams of drinking gueuze in Belgium on a foodie trip around the world. 


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