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How Eating a Healthy Lunch Boosts Your Productivity

How Eating a Healthy Lunch Boosts Your Productivity

It can be challenging enough to take a lunch break, but eating a healthy, nutrient-dense lunch can actually have positive effects on your afternoon performance. We’re sharing our top three tips on eating the right things and reaping the rewards.

Decide what you’re going to eat well before lunch hour

Packing a lunch before work or deciding what to buy for lunch hours before lunch rolls around to reduce the number of calories, salt, and fat we eat in the future. This ensures we consume a healthy lunch full of nutrient-dense foods that will boost our productivity later on.

Include these three things

Eating at least three times a day is essential for the body to replenish its nutrient levels. What you eat, however, is important. Be sure to include grains or starches, a vegetable or fruit, and protein during lunch to gain maximum benefits- and to avoid mid-afternoon hunger.

Savor the right amount

Overeating can have the same effect as not eating at all: sluggishness with a side of bloating. Having too much in our system takes a toll on the pancreas, which has to produce extra insulin to process the sugar from the foods we eat. By the time the brain puts the stop sign up to stop insulin production, oftentimes too much sugar is removed from the body, leaving us tired.

Because it can take up to 20 minutes to feel full, eat mindfully. Focus on what you’re eating and not what’s new on your Instagram feed. Savor the flavors and texture of your lunch and eat it more slowly.

By following these tips your productivity will increase by as high as 150%!

Hungry for more? Check out 5 Ways To Boost Your Productivity.

Meet Rootasters:

Meg is a dreamer, entrepreneur, and homesteader based in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. She loves her cats, feasting, and road trips in her green VW Bug. 


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