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Posts tagged "Healthy Meal"

How to Have a Productive Lunch Break

How to Have a Productive Lunch Break
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but lunch is by far more important for afternoon productivity. Sadly, 39% of employees consume lunch at their desks, many times reaching for an unhealthy meal. While they may think this allows them to get more work done, sad desk lunches actually zap productivity.

But it’s not just about taking your lunch break, here are a few tips to ensure you have a productive one.

Say Goodbye to Sad Desk Lunches

Say Goodbye to Sad Desk Lunches
We know how it is. You’re in the middle of a project that your boss would like by the end of the day and you decide to work through lunch. Whether your company offers lunch or you have to bring it yourself, your sad desk lunches aren’t doing anyone any good- so take a break.